Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

Art community to help budding...

Open Sky is a Bengaluru-based art community. It was started to help any artist who creates something.

Young Woman who helps disabled...

With the help of mentorship from Vishnu Soman of EnAble India, Vidushi started ‘India for Inclusion’.

Monika – Gujarat’s first female...

Monika Yadav is residing in Ahmedabad. She is a postgraduate student from Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology. She joined Uber and became

Illiterate woman educated...

Kinkri Devi is an illiterate woman. Yet, she is educating the world about environment.

30 year old woman ran 350 km...

Neillima is a 30 year old former corporate employee. She came close to reaching the peak of the world’s highest mountain.