Opinion Polls - Fusion - WeRIndia

Opinion Polls

With Lok Sabha Voting starting today, what would be Voters focus:

  • Stable government and continuity (44%)
  • Vote for Development and growth (44%)
  • Change for new government (44%)
  • No opinion (0%)

Rumors are going around that there could some to lot of violence in states where entrenched parties fear losing. Do you:

  • Strongly agree (45%)
  • Agree (45%)
  • Don't agree (45%)
  • No opinion (0%)

Punjab assembly election is likely to be a tough 4 way fight - 1st time ever. Would the outcome be:

  • One party will get clear majority? (60%)
  • A Hung assembly with no party in majority? (40%)

Sachin Tendulkar's proposing to make helmets mandatory for batsmen at all times during a match, do you agree ?

  • Yes (69%)
  • No (31%)

Work from home! Are you wanting to continue work from home even after the pandemic is over?

  • Yes (63%)
  • No (37%)

Weekend lockdown, beneficial or superficial ?

  • Beneficial (57%)
  • Superficial (32%)
  • Can't Say (11%)

Are you willing to protect yourself against COVID-19 with the Corona Kavach policy or any other health insurance policy?

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)

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