Real Life Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

A village with Instagram

What makes this village truly unique is their Instagram account. Yes, the Instagram account is run by the entire village.

Fully AC house with no electricity...

He lives in Bengaluru. Not only this unique home, he also runs an off-grid office operation to encourage electric-powered cars over conventional vehicles.

Delhi’s first woman uber...

After suffering domestic abuse at the hands of her husband every day for years, she was left with no means of survival when he

First Indian woman PhD in...

Gender bias towards women scientists has existed for decades, not just in India, but all over the world. During colonial rule, the bias was

Meet the billionaire barber

Through his determination today he is a billionaire and got the title of Billionaire Barber. Ramesh came from humble origins. He lost his father