Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

Bookaroo – increasing reading among...

Venkatesh says that the main aim of starting Bookaroo is to bring books, children, writers, and book lovers together in one platform and let

The Indian scientist who deserves more...

There are many well-known scientists who hailed from India. Their work changed the entire world. From 6th century mathematician Aryabhatta to Nobel Laureate CV

Facebook group which connects...

Abhishek Kumar Gupta the admin of the Facebook community says that the community is made for many young people who are living with hope

13 year old Indian girl to speak at...

Even from a young age, Esha Karthiraj was fascinated by the cooking of her mother and her grandmother.

Man empowering visually impaired...

Here is man who is trying to empower women that are visually impaired and victims of acid attacks.