Real Life Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

Students from poverty to IIT

Adarsh Lal is the son of a general merchant, Panna Lal, in Hayatnagar, who only has an income of ₹7,000 per month. He is

Zero cost life jacket by kids

These five students, having actively gone about employing that method into their invention, won the “Boldest Idea” award out of the 1.992 stories that

The innovative farmer

Murthy follows the approach of "doing nothing", which does not mean that a lack of effort is put into the farming, but rather that

Inspiring success story of Vaibhav...

After the failed results of his Class 12 board exam had come back, his family had nearly abandoned him after seeing them. They had

Know about CBSE 12th Topper

Raksha did not take any tuitions or crash courses to help her ace this exam.