Kitabwalah: The revolutionary second-hand book platform | Fusion - WeRIndia

Kitabwalah: The revolutionary second-hand book platform

Kitabwalah: The revolutionary second-hand book platform

In the bustling city of Patna, two young visionaries transformed their struggles into an innovative business venture.

After facing significant challenges in accessing affordable educational resources, Akshay Kashyap and Srijan Kumar launched Kitabwalah. It is an online platform that offers second-hand books at reduced prices.

Originating from a need that Akshay personally experienced during his JEE coaching days, the platform began with a simple idea fueled by the duo’s passion and ₹800 initial investment.

They started by buying books from local scrap dealers to ensure lower purchase costs and, consequently, lower selling prices.

Kitabwalah quickly gained traction, selling over 6,000 books and generating ₹8 lakhs with sales within just two years.

The business model, which emphasizes affordability and accessibility, catered to students from various educational backgrounds including those preparing for competitive exams.

Recognizing the potential of their enterprise, the Bihar Government awarded them seed funding under the Bihar Startup Policy 2022.

This financial boost allowed them to expand their operations and enhance their website, leading to a broader reach.

Now, Kitabwalah not only sells textbooks but has also ventured into fiction and non-fiction categories. This platform attracts a daily customer base of 200 to 250 people with an average order value of ₹1,000.

Their growth is supported by positive customer feedback, highlighting the platform’s convenience and competitive pricing.

The founders’ journey from struggling students to successful entrepreneurs is a testament to their determination and innovative spirit. With plans to diversify into stationery and other school supplies, Kitabwalah is on its way to becoming a comprehensive resource for educational materials.

Their achievements have made their families immensely proud, particularly as Akshay is a first-generation graduate.

Kitabwalah stands as a prime example of how adversity can lead to opportunity. In addition, it also showcases the power of innovative solutions in the face of challenges.

Image Credit: Kitabwalah Website Screenshot

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