Innovative sprouting technology of Eatery Malbarikas | Fusion - WeRIndia

Innovative sprouting technology of Eatery Malbarikas

Innovative sprouting technology of Eatery Malbarikas

In Kerala, Brijith Krishnan turned a challenging situation into a successful business by pioneering an innovative sprouting technology for cashew nuts.

Faced with unseasonal rains that ruined his cashew crops and the loss of his job in 2020, Brijith used his mechanical engineering background to explore plant-based alternatives in the growing vegan market.

This led to the creation of Eatery Malbarikas in 2021, a venture focused on sprouted cashew products.

Kerala, particularly the Kannur district, is a significant producer of cashews.

However, erratic weather conditions in recent years have disrupted cashew farming, leaving many small farmers like Brijith with damaged crops that can no longer be sold.

With no proper storage facilities, farmers often face losses as their cashews spoil. To address this issue, Brijith sought new ways to utilize wet cashews rather than discarding them.

He began researching the potential of sprouting cashews, a process that not only adds nutritional value but also transforms cashew nuts into versatile ingredients for various dishes.

Partnering with institutes like CFTRI Mysuru and Kerala Agriculture University, Brijith developed a sprouting technology that increases the shelf life of cashews.

He also adapted Japan’s retorting technology to store sprouted cashews at room temperature, making them more accessible and easier to transport.

Eatery Malbarikas now produces a wide range of cashew-based dishes such as cashew sprout Manchurian, butter masala, and soup premix.

The products have gained popularity among high-end hotels and restaurants in Kerala, Mumbai, and Bengaluru.

With a strategic pricing of ₹1,000 per kg, Brijith’s sprouted cashews cater to a premium market.

His innovative approach helped him achieve a turnover of ₹25 lakh in 2023.

Through his venture, Brijith not only revived his family’s cashew farming but also empowered local farmers by purchasing their wet cashews and converting them into valuable products.

His success story is a testament to how innovation can transform traditional industries and drive sustainable growth.

Image Credit: Kajusprouty Website Screenshot

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