Flights are cheaper than trains here - Fusion - WeRIndia

Routes where flights are cheaper than trains

Routes where flights are cheaper than trains

Usually, traveling on airplanes is assumed to be more expensive than other methods of travel.

To make up for this, airplanes are faster than other methods of travel, such as traveling by boat, train, or car.

However, a recent report has revealed that traveling by airplane might actually end up being cheaper in certain directions in India.

A Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report stated that tickets on Indian Railways’ premium trains were far higher than tickets for airplane travel.

This may come as a surprise to some, since it is generally assumed that the fastest method of travel is also the most expensive.

The recent CAG report came down heavily on the flexi-fare scheme of Indian Railways’ prices.

The report said that airplane travel was found to be the cheapest method of travel in 17 directions for the Advance Reservation Period (ARP) of 120 days.

For the ARP of 30 days, airplane travel was also found to be the cheapest mode of travel in 17 directions.

For the ARP of 60 days, airplane travel was found to be the cheapest method of travel in 19 directions. Some of these directions include New Delhi to Hyderabad, Bengaluru to New Delhi, New Delhi to Chennai, and Bengaluru to Kolkata.

The CAG report also showed the growth in number of passengers for both airlines and railways. Airlines reported an increase in occupancy in 26 directions.

However, Rajdhani and Duronto Express trains only reported an increase in occupancy in four directions.

The CAG report added that the Indian Railways’ flexi-fare scheme has led to a general decrease in ticket sales.

The only class that has not had a ticket sale decrease due to this scheme is the sleeper class of Duronto trains.

While this report may seem surprising, it helps people to know that the faster method of travel can sometimes be the cheaper method.

Photo by AJ Yorio on Unsplash  (Free for Commercial Use)

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