Low-cost bra to detect breast cancer | Fusion - WeRIndia

Low-cost bra to detect breast cancer


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in India. As per the data, one in every 22 women develops it. Out of every two women that develop breast cancer, one dies.

Due to lack of awareness, many are being the victims of this cancer.

For most of the women, the mammogram that diagnoses breast cancer is a major concern. It involves radiation and the cost is ranging from ₹1,500 to ₹8,000.

So, most of the Indian women are not coming forward for early screening of breast cancer.

And, many doctors in the country are advising mammogram to women who crossed their 50s.

But, unfortunately, it is being developed even in younger women of aged 30 – 40 years.

Considering all these things, a team of scientists from Kerala invented a wearable contraption (similar to a bra) which is embedded with sensors to detect cancerous cells in breasts.

It took four years for the team to develop the device and getting it approved through the clinical trials.

The team was awarded the Nari Shakti Puraskar for their invention by the President of India recently.

Unlike a mammogram, there is no pain involved with this device. The device (wearable bra) works with the help of sensors that map the skin temperature of the breast and identifies the abnormalities if any.

If any abnormalities are found, then further course of action is recommended for those patients.

Low-cost bra to detect breast cancer

Low-cost bra to detect breast cancer

The device just physically maps the temperature, hence, there is no exposure to radiation. Moreover, it is portable, hence is ideal to carry to any healthcare centre.

Another notable feature is that unlike a mammogram which is recommended to women above 40, this wearable device can be used by young girls aged 15 to 20 years.

A mammogram machine costs around ₹3,5 crore, but this device is available for just ₹25,000 for a hospital.

As per the current estimation, the test with this wearable bra ranges between ₹400-500. It would be cheaper and likely to be available at ₹50 after the commercialization of the product.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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