Nutrition's role in cancer prevention: Key foods to consider | Fusion - WeRIndia

Nutrition’s role in cancer prevention: Key foods to consider

Nutrition's role in cancer prevention: Key foods to consider

The link between diet and cancer prevention has long intrigued scientists and nutritionists alike.

While no single food can guarantee cancer immunity, incorporating certain nutrient-rich foods into a balanced diet may significantly reduce the risk.

This article delves into the science-backed benefits of specific foods and their potential to bolster the body’s defences against cancer.

Apples emerge as a formidable ally, thanks to their polyphenols with anticancer properties.

These compounds may help prevent inflammation and certain types of cancer by modulating processes linked to cancer development. Particularly, apple phloretin has been shown to halt the growth of breast cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

Berries, too, pack a powerful punch with their high antioxidant content, possibly inhibiting tumour formation and supporting cancer immune therapies.

Similarly, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale offer sulforaphane, a compound known to significantly restrict cancer cell growth, especially in colon and breast cancers.

Carrots are another crucial player, with studies suggesting that regular consumption of raw carrots can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by up to 17%. Their high beta-carotene content plays a key role in this protective effect.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel have been linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer and colorectal cancer. It highlights the importance of including these nutrient-dense fish in one’s diet.

Walnuts deserve a special mention for their unique compound, pedunculagin, which metabolizes into urolithins that may help prevent breast cancer.

Legumes, with their high fibre content, also contribute to cancer prevention, particularly in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Beyond specific foods, the article touches on the broader benefits of whole grains, dark chocolate, and olive oil, all of which contain compounds that may lower the risk of various cancers.

While supplements and medications can offer additional nutrients, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new regimen.

While no magic bullet exists for cancer prevention, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats can provide significant protective benefits.

It’s about making informed choices to nurture the body’s natural defences against cancer.

Image by Marijana1 ( on Needpix (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

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