The cheapest way to save the planet | Fusion - WeRIndia

The cheapest way to save the planet

The cheapest way to save the planet

Looking at places like New Delhi, it is apparent how much of pollution we are living in. Air, water and earth are being polluted every day by human race without thinking twice about the consequences.

As a result, problems like global warming are becoming more and more apparent every year. The question remains, what can every individual do as their part.

One of the most important things to consider here are trees. Trees are helpful for a cleaner environment.

Trees help produce rain which is also very important. They reduce dust, reduce noise pollution and absorbs dangerous compounds like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.

According to studies, cities which are covered by trees on about 30% areas can reduce the pollution by almost 24%.

It is sad to know that most Indian cities have a tree cover of about 7-15%. It is obvious that one needs to plant more trees in cities to improve our environment.

The trees would be extremely important in taking up the heat of the planet.

They also help in protecting us from UV rays of sun. Considering the asphalt forests of cities that we have now, planting trees in the cities would be beneficial for everyone.

An interesting fact to notice is that in order for human made machines to do all the work that trees would do, it would cost 4 trillion dollars per year.

That is twice the size of entire Indian economy. When you look at that number, it becomes evident that the cost of planting trees is next to nothing.

The cheapest way to save the planet

The cheapest way to save the planet

It is quite obvious that planting trees all over cities is no small task and cannot be achieved by one man. However, everyone can do their part.

Everyone can plant at least one tree and that would still make a huge difference.

So, go out today, do your part to save the earth. It really doesn’t cost much to plant seeds.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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