Did Hanuman create Bermuda Triangle - Fusion - WeRIndia

Did Hanuman create the Bermuda Triangle?

Did Hanuman create the Bermuda Triangle?

Bermuda triangle is a very infamous location with various theories surrounding it. Here’s another theory about the possibility of the Monkey god Hanuman being involved with the creation of it.

Before getting into the theory, here is what the Shiv Puran says: Energy should be transferred to other form. It can be hidden within spiritual powers or leashed in any form of the matter in the planet. However, it cannot be destroyed.

Now, as many people know that Bermuda triangle is an area where many ships and aircrafts disappeared. It is said to be the triangle which defies principles of physics.

There are many theories about this triangle. However, this is one related to Hindu Mythology, the Bermuda triangle is also known as the Devil’s triangle because of theories that the work of Devil is at play there. There is a story of the Devil’s triangle in Ramayana and it relates it to the devil who tried to kill Lord Hanuman.

In the story, there is a demon named Simhika who had the boon of pulling any object of person regardless of their power. When Hanuman flew over her area, she tried to do this to him. Hanuman felt his power growing weak and saw the demon pulling him. After a fight, Hanuman managed to kill the demon. This fight was witnessed by the daughter of Simhika who ran away to a mysterious place which is believed to the Bermuda triangle.

The triangle is described as a place where Lord Hanuman placed the Demon King Raavan’s naval mani. As per Ramayana, Hanuman was awarded the nectar of immortality. It was stored in a Mani. Hanuman was assigned to store this Mani in a safe place. This Mani had enough power to impact future generations too. The theory is that the Mani was placed in the triangle. It is believed that this is the force which is causing the unexplained disappearances.

Photo by Deepak Kosta on Unsplash (Free for Commercial Use)

Image Reference: https://unsplash.com/photos/QdMV6KeTjyc

3 Responses to Did Hanuman create the Bermuda Triangle?

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  3. Akshay kumar santra says:

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