Methods to control sugar cravings | Fusion - WeRIndia

Methods to control sugar cravings

Methods to control sugar cravings

Food is one of the biggest pleasures in the world. Having a sweet tooth causes extreme cravings for sweets. Everyone loves to eat food that has high calories. This is fine as long as it is kept under control.

However, cravings are not something that stay in control and that causes a lot of troubles. It can cause many diseases like diabetes. However, there are many ways one can control these sugar cravings. Read on to find out about them.

Mental Motivation

This is the biggest factor that plays in controlling sugar cravings. Look at your own health and consider for a moment how bad life would be, suffering with various problems. Think of the scary results you will get from eating too much sugar.

Get rid of processed food

If your mind still can’t control cravings, then avoid processed food at all costs. Sugar in them can be quite harmful. Try to eat fruits or at least home cooked food with less sugar.

Higher serotonin levels

Serotonin is the ‘good hormone’. The presence of it reduces sugar cravings for your body. The happier you feel the higher serotonin levels you can get.

Lot of water

Drinking a lot of water is an excellent way to combat sugar cravings. Whenever you feel sugar cravings, try to fill up your stomach with water as much as you can. This will help fight sugar cravings and also has several other health benefits.

Monitor your blood sugar levels

If you have diabetes, then try to keep your blood sugar levels in check. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and try not to let your blood sugar levels falter too much.

Eat your veggies

When you feel sugar cravings, eat vegetables to fight them off. They stop sugar cravings by providing important nutrients. Once you get used to it, you can easily fend off sugar cravings.

Photo by Pezibear ( on Needpix (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

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