Benefits of pomegranate tea | Fusion - WeRIndia

Benefits of pomegranate tea

Benefits of pomegranate tea

Pomegranate has many health benefits. While many people prefer to eat pomegranate seeds, some people drink pomegranate tea. 

Pomegranate tea can be made with the seeds and peels. It has many health benefits.

If you want to make the tea with seeds, then crush them coarsely in a blender. Add four to five teaspoons of this juice in a cup of hot water. Add honey to it and drink. You can add some fresh seeds also if you desire. It can also be mixed with any herbal tea.

The tea with peels can be made as follows: Take the peels of pomegranate and lemon or orange. Wash them thoroughly and boil them in water for a couple of minutes. Add one teaspoon grated ginger and a few mint leaves to it. Let them steep for a few minutes. Strain the mixture and add honey to it. Drink it to get the following health benefits.

However, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid drinking pomegranate tea. Also, those are allergic to plants should not consume it.

Here is a list of health benefits of pomegranate tea:

  • Due to its immune boosting properties, pomegranate tea can improve immunity and thereby prevent infections.
  • As it is rich in antioxidants, it can prevent skin diseases. It also can prevent free radicals and keep aging at bay.
  • The antioxidants and anticancer properties of this tea can prevent the risk of many cancers like breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer etc.
  • The urolithins in this tea reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative conditions. These components prevent the inflammation of neurons.
  • As pomegranate tea is loaded with punicic acid, it can help manage weight by controlling cholesterol. If you want to lose your weight, then drink pomegranate tea regularly. 
  • It is also good for heart health and reproductive system. It helps manage diabetes.
  • Pomegranate contains tannins and other antimicrobial agents to prevent microbial and viral infections.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Image by megspl from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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