Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

35kg chocolate Ganesh

The delicious chocolate Ganesh idol is made out of 35 kgs of chocolate and it took more than 50 hours of work. Rintu also

Sanjiv Chaturvedi donates Award...

IFS officer Sanjiv Chaturvedi won the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay award for his service. He proved his selflessness and humanity by donating all that money

Sunjeev Sahota shortlisted for Man...

Sunjeev Sahota’s second novel, The Year of the Runaways, made him get into the shortlist of the Man Booker Prize.

15 year old boy sets records

Nikin Jose, was called to make his debut on the last day of Karnataka Premier League phase and he used this chance to prove

15 year old entrepreneur awarded by...

Swetha Prabakaran, the 15 year old girl received the prestigious ‘Champions of Change’ award started an organization called ‘Everybody change now’.