Real Life Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

Tea selling woman becomes village...

Pooja Kumari is qualified with a graduation of B. Ed degree. She said that she was really inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi who

73 year old farmer who donated for...

Meet this farmer, who showed his charity despite of his financial troubles to Chennai flood victims.

One woman saving lands from 100...

Amla, a Mumbai based social activist was moved by the troubles of Rajasthan farmers. She founded Aakar Charitable Trust to research about water.

Retired engineer spreading awareness...

During the Ganesh festival, Ramakanth has successfully run a campaign about minimizing waste at Sankey Tank.

IITian who got a huge package from...

Do you know how much was offered by Google to Ashutosh Agarwal? It is an eye popping figure of Rs.1.80 crore per annum.