Once Homeless, this woman gives shelter to thousands | Fusion - WeRIndia

Once Homeless, this woman gives shelter to thousands

Once Homeless, this woman gives shelter to thousands

Where there is a will, there is a way. This proverb has been proved once again by this West Bengal woman. She was homeless once but is providing shelter to thousands of destitute children and women.

Shabnam Ramaswamy from West Bengal is an inspiration to thousands of children in Murshidabad.

She is a survivor of domestic violence and inspired many women. She rebuilt her destructed life and home.

She was born in Katna village. She was privileged in her family during her childhood and remained the apple of the eye to her parents.

She was enjoying a lot until she turned 16. She was married to a 34-year-old man. The marriage nipped her aspirations in the bud and put a stop to all her dreams of achieving big things in her life.

She had been abused by her husband and his family members for many years. She had painful memories in that home where her tears had not stopped for even a while. Either her husband or his family used to torture her in several ways daily.

Since returning to her parents was not an option she had to bear it. Meanwhile, she became the mother of three children.

She endured the torture for many years. At last, a moment came when she thought that it was better to be homeless rather than living in a home like that.

She left home at midnight and spent her life on the streets. She spent some days in the Railway station and survived by selling her gold ornaments.

She got a job with her English knowledge. Then she managed to get the custody of her youngest son. However, due to unfavourable work policies for women at that time, she struggled a lot to look after her son.

Simultaneously, she had to fight for the custody of the remaining children and the divorce case with her husband. She won it with her fortitude.

After that, she wanted to do something for homeless women and children. Now, she has two global standard schools that are educating more than 1300 underprivileged children. She is empowering more than 1,400 poor women with traditional embroidery craft.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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