The man who moved a mountain | Fusion - WeRIndia

The man who moved a mountain

Dashrath Manjhi

Dashrath Manjhi is being called the man who moved a mountain. His story is an example of how one person’s idea can change many lives. Dashrath was a poor man who lived with the Musahars in the rocky terrain of the remote Atri block in Gaya, Bihar.

There is a 300 foot tall mountain which separates these people from the rest of the civilization. As his people were not able to go to doctors in the outside world on time even in emergencies and the people in power were not doing anything, he decided to matters into his own hand. The trek over the mountains would take too long to travel in case of emergencies.

When his wife was injured during a travel through the mountain, he quits his job and decided to make road through the mountain for his people. As he was doing so, his wife fell sick and the nearest doctor was 75 kilometers over the mountain. During this journey his wife passed away. He continued his war with the mountain. He would help some people in carrying things over the mountain for a small fee to feed his children.

After 22 years of hard work, he managed to carve out a road which is 360 feet long and 30 feet wide. Now, his fellow people only have to travel 5 kilometers for any necessity.

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