Chaai Seth – A multi-crore tea brand | Fusion - WeRIndia

Chaai Seth – A multi-crore tea brand

Chaai Seth – A multi-crore tea brand

The chai business has gained significant popularity in recent times, with new chai walas making headlines for their successful ventures.

However, not everyone possesses the necessary qualities to expand their business on a nationwide scale.

Nevertheless, there is a remarkable story of a young man from Bihar who left his well-paying job while studying in Shillong to establish his own startup called Chaai Seth.

Arpit Raj, along with his friends, invested around ₹50,000-60,000 to start a small tea stall in Shillong, Meghalaya, back in 2015.

Initially, there was no brand name; it was a humble beginning. Arpit was pursuing a BBA in Hospitality in the hilly state.

During their time in Shillong, Arpit and his friends would often explore the streets in search of good food joints.

However, due to their studies and busy schedules, they would only find time to venture out late at night when the town was deserted.

This led them to realize that if they had late-night cravings, there must be others like them who would appreciate food delivery.

This realization eventually led Arpit to establish Chaai Seth years later, which would go on to become one of the fastest-growing tea franchises in India.

In the hostel room where the boys resided, they initially started a late-night tiffin delivery service exclusively catering to those seeking snacks during odd hours.

Arpit noticed that people from different parts of the state often craved food from their own culture, which inspired him and his friends to consider opening a food stall outside the campus.

Initially, they would cook the food themselves and deliver it to customers.

As their business grew, the boys moved to a flat and were able to hire a cook to assist them with fulfilling orders.

They hired a local Bengali woman who specialized in preparing various types of snacks. Arpit and his friends would deliver these items on their scooters, promising to deliver within 30 minutes.

Instead of attempting to perfect various cuisines, Arpit decided to focus on a food item that could unite people regardless of their backgrounds, and tea was the perfect choice.

This concept resonated well with the people, and soon, the stall in Shillong became a popular spot, generating substantial returns for Arpit and his friends.

After spending three years in Shillong, Arpit, with roots in Bihar, secured a job in Delhi at a food startup upon completing his college education. However, after working there for two years, he realized his desire to work on his own venture.

Arpit invested ₹6-7 lakhs and his Chaai Seth franchise now offers over 20 varieties of tea and a fast food menu.

Recently, Chaai Seth has been nominated for the 500 Startups Award, further acknowledging its success and growth.

Image Credit: Chaaiseth website screenshot

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