Man fines if you leave food in his hotel
Food is divine – this is believed by most Indians. Yet, due to several reasons, they waste food.
Not just in wedding occasions, even in hotels and restaurants where they have to pay for food also, they waste food.
Here is a man who charges fine from his customers for wasting food in his hotel.
The man is Lingala Kedari. He is the proprietor of hotel Lingala Kedari Food Court in Warangal, Telangana. The hotel has quotes on wall papers as follows:
‘Food is Divine, don’t waste it.
The food wasted by two can satisfy the hunger of a person.
If you waste the food, you have to pay a fine’.
The main intention behind charging fine for food wastage is to create awareness among customers.
Kedari won’t leave any person from not paying fine if food is being wasted by him/her. He even fined some police officers and a judge for wasting the food.
The price of a meal is ₹50. But, Kedari collects ₹60 for fine, and if the person eats the served food completely, then he would be refunded ₹10. If he leaves anything in his plate, he has to pay a fine of ₹50.
The meal includes rice, dal, chutney, five curries, lemon rice, curd rice and sweet. For non-vegetarians, fish curry and chicken curry will be provided.
The hotel serves quality food to their customers.
Why Kedari is strictly implementing the rule in his hotel? He starved in his young age due to lack of money.
At that time, he saw a hotel throwing rice and sambar on the road. He then decided never to waste food.
He later worked in various hotels, and after that he started his own hotel. From then, he is trying to create awareness among the customers on food wastage.
Initially some people paid fine for wasting food. He donated the collected money to an orphanage.
Now, no visitor is wasting food in his hotel.
Image Reference: Eenadu
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