Inspirational story of Jai Mishra | Fusion - WeRIndia

Inspirational story of Jai Mishra

Inspirational story of Jai Mishra

Meet the quiet and humble Jai Mishra – a 2013-15 TFI Fellow and now Program Manager – who brought revolution to Pune’s academic landscape.

Jai himself has faced many challenges in his own educational journey. He managed to be successful only through his sheer belief in himself that helped him overcome the barrier of being nearly five grade levels behind at school. This willpower is what helped him in becoming a mechanical engineer with a score of 89%! When he was doing the final year of Engineering, he was also getting ready to write the Civil Services examinations. At this point, Jai discovered Teach for India’s vision – one day All children will Attain an excellent Education. He believed in this vision.

During his time at Shevantabai Dangat Patil PMC school in Pune as a TFI Fellow, Jai was in charge of teaching thirty two 6th graders. These children were dependent on the hour meal theme to feed their families. Their position was so bad that they had to share their one-room homes with 6-10 members of the family which made it very hard to browse their grade text.

As his children began to progress beneath his dedication and labor, Jai began to work on ‘Parivartan’ – his ‘Be The Change’ project.

As Jai tried to focus on the importance of the role of SMC members, he at the start faced outright objection on grounds of need & time commitment however his steady dedication finally won them over.

With a combined effort they managed involve the parents of all the school students in an attempt to vest them in their children’s education.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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