A story of resilience: Dr Sakshi Maheshwari's journey | Fusion - WeRIndia

A story of resilience: Dr Sakshi Maheshwari’s journey

A story of resilience: Dr Sakshi Maheshwari's journey

Dr Sakshi Maheshwari has endured over 30 fractures and 25 surgeries at the age of 27 years.

Despite these challenges, she became Gujarat’s youngest female orthopaedic surgeon and the only one from her batch. Her story is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of belief.

In her second year at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Sakshi met with a life-threatening accident. The surgeon gave her a 10% chance of survival, but her father believed she would make it.

This incident, though traumatic, fueled her desire to help others. Despite being wheelchair-bound and needing assistance to write exams, she pursued her MS in Orthopedic Surgery.

Now a senior resident at Civil Hospital in Asarwa, she finds immense satisfaction in helping people walk again.

On December 30, 2016, when Sakshi and a friend were returning from a post-exam celebration, they had a fatal accident. Her parents rushed from Ahmedabad to find her critically injured with no memory of the accident.

After 20 days in the ICU, they brought her home by train due to her condition. Determined to continue her studies, Sakshi returned to college a month later. Her mother, Sneha, recounts how Sakshi’s friends and family rallied around her, providing support and prayers.

Despite physical limitations, Sakshi was determined not to fall behind in her studies. Unable to hold a pen, she used a writer for exams, and despite challenges, passed with distinction.

By her final year, she decided to write her own exams, urging her hand to cooperate. Her mother, Sneha, describes Sakshi’s mental and spiritual strength as her driving force.

Sneha stayed with Sakshi in Manipal for two years while her father and younger sister were in Ahmedabad. Sakshi’s recovery included intense physiotherapy and mental coaching.

Despite numerous metal plates and screws in her body, she even trained for a marathon in her final year of MBBS. Her father joined her, and running became a family activity.

Sakshi never gave up on her dreams. She wanted to be an orthopaedic surgeon to better understand and help patients in pain. Her experiences made her more empathetic and determined.

Despite numerous surgeries and physical challenges, she empowered herself and turned her adversity into strength.

Sakshi’s journey teaches us to never give up. She emphasizes that life doesn’t stop, and we must shape our journey despite challenges. Comparing ourselves to others is futile; we must strive to be better than our past selves.

Surrounding oneself with supportive people and understanding the transience of life are key lessons she shares. Despite her pain, Sakshi ensures she always smiles, knowing it brings comfort to her parents.

Dr Sakshi Maheshwari’s story is one of incredible resilience and determination. Her journey from a life-threatening accident to becoming a successful orthopaedic surgeon inspires us to face challenges head-on and never lose hope.

Image Credit: Juhele, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Source: Openclipart

Image Reference: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Doctor.svg

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