Couple earns lakhs with mushroom farming | Fusion - WeRIndia

Couple earns lakhs with mushroom farming

Couple earns lakhs with mushroom farming

Many people lost their jobs due to COVID-19. In the due course of searching for new options, some people chose other jobs while others turned to entrepreneurs.

Satinder Singh Rawat also lost his job due to the pandemic. He had been working in the Gulf for 15 years. He worked as retail operations manager and handled nearly 200 stores. He could effectively deal with a business of ₹2,500 crores.

After losing his job there, he did not know what to do. He could have got another job in the same sector, but he did not like the idea due to the risk of the occurrence of the same problem in future. Hence, he decided to choose a different career. He wanted to become financially independent.

After returning from Dubai to Noida, he chose farming. He discussed the idea with his friends and father-in-law and asked their advice. He leased land of 1.5 acres in Ramnagar village in Uttarakhand. He started horticulture as per his father-in-law’s advice. However, he found that was not feasible financially.

Hence, Satinder and his wife Sapna decided to grow button mushrooms. He set up everything required for it and worked hard. He installed air-conditioners to maintain optimum temperature.

Within two months he harvested his first produce, with which he earned revenue of ₹6 lakhs at a profit of 50 per cent.

But, the couple did not taste the success overnight. There were many ups and downs, starting from leasing land to harvesting mushroom produce.

The couple had to face a lot of troubles due to a lack of farming background. Nor did they have experience in mushroom cultivation. They sought help from a professional grower in this matter. They use huts to grow mushrooms.

The mushrooms grown by them are chemical-free. Also, the optimum temperature is maintained with air-conditioners. The couple procured all the essential things they needed by overcoming the challenges.

They can grow 70 tonnes of mushroom with the infrastructure they have. They earn ₹2.5 lakh per month.

Image by Anna Armbrust from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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