Jeevan Mushroom revolutionizes mushroom farming in Rajasthan | Fusion - WeRIndia

Jeevan Mushroom revolutionizes mushroom farming in Rajasthan

Jeevan Mushroom revolutionizes mushroom farming in Rajasthan

Shanker Meena, an MBA graduate and scion of a farming family, found a solution to the uncertainty of agricultural income through mushroom farming.

Establishing Jeevan Mushroom in 2017, he ventured into producing mushroom spawns. The company caters to the rising demand for nutritious and cholesterol-free food products in India.

Jeevan Mushroom’s journey began with trial cultivation of oyster mushrooms in Shanker’s Jaipur home in January 2017. The success prompted a shift to seed production as Rajasthan lacked mushroom spawns.

Shanker’s scientific approach involved training at multiple institutes, including the ICAR-Directorate of Mushroom Research in Solan, Haryana Agro Industries Corporation, and Bengaluru.

Setting up a mushroom spawn lab in his garage in Jaipur, Shanker secured a loan of ₹9 lakhs under the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana.

The venture, led by Shanker’s marketing efforts and his wife Kanchan’s production skills, quickly gained traction.

Offering spawns of various mushroom varieties, Jeevan Mushroom now serves customers in India and abroad.

With a new facility investment of ₹1 crore, Jeevan Mushroom’s monthly spawn production capacity has risen to 80 tonnes.

The couple aims to achieve over ₹1.4 crores in revenues this fiscal year, projecting a fivefold increase with the expanded facility.

The company is not just a thriving business but also an essential training centre for mushroom spawn cultivation in Rajasthan.

Jeevan Mushroom’s success lies in its meticulous spawn production process. The company uses grains like wheat as a medium to grow mushrooms.

The spawning production process also involves boiling to increase moisture and sterilization through autoclaving.

The company maintains precise conditions for the growth of mushroom fungus, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of its spawns.

Jeevan Mushroom has plans to expand further domestically. Its story exemplifies how innovation and dedication can transform traditional farming practices into sustainable, lucrative ventures.

Shanker’s journey inspires many young farmers to turn to mushroom cultivation.

Image from Pxhere (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

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