Philo’s Pickles - Homemade pickles | Fusion - WeRIndia

Philo’s Pickles – Homemade pickles

Philo’s Pickles - Homemade pickles

In a heartwarming tale from Kerala, a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law duo have transformed a passion for pickle-making into a thriving business.

Philo Thomas and her daughter-in-law Tincy Thomas from Muhamma in Alappuzha, now delight customers worldwide with their brand “Philo’s Pickles.”

The journey began in 2017. Philo was depressed with the loss of her husband, K J Thomas. At that time, her daughter-in-law Tincy, a post-graduate in fashion management, encouraged her to make pickles to cope with the loss. Philo, an expert cook, found solace and joy in creating various pickle recipes.

Initially shared with family and friends, the pickles quickly garnered rave reviews. Realizing the potential, Tincy decided to turn this hobby into a business. Philo and Tincy joined forces, embarking on a culinary adventure that transformed their lives.

Philo’s pickles have a unique flavour. Moreover, they remain fresh even after a year without any preservatives. That’s why her pickles received an overwhelming response from users.

Tincy handles the marketing and sales through multiple channels and social media, while Philo focuses on pickle preparation, ensuring they use the best ingredients.

Their dedication to quality helped Philo’s Pickles gain popularity among Keralites, and soon word of mouth spread, bringing in orders from across India and even the UK and Canada.

The duo also offers custom-made pickles to meet specific customer preferences and plans to expand their product range. They are working to bring new varieties of pickles like dry fish pickles. In addition, they also wanted to launch fresh homemade masala powders like sambar powder.

Philo’s Pickles offers a variety of homemade pickles, including beef, fish, prawns, mango, sweet lime, and bilimbi-dates pickles. They also produce meat masala powder and dry shrimp chutney powder.

The success of Philo’s Pickles stands as a testament to passion, perseverance, and the strength of family bonds.

What started as a simple act of love has grown into a business that brings the flavours of Kerala to the world.

Image Credit:  Philopickles Website Screenshot

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