Shri Krishna Pickles wins the hearts of people and earns ₹5 crores | Fusion - WeRIndia

Shri Krishna Pickles wins the hearts of people and earns ₹5 crores

Shri Krishna Pickles wins the hearts of people and earns ₹5 crores

Adversity often births the most remarkable success stories, and Krishna Yadav’s journey from poverty to prosperity is a shining example of this truth.

Born in the small village of Daulatpur, Uttar Pradesh, Krishna’s life took a challenging turn when her husband lost his job.

With no formal education and three young children to care for, she relocated to Delhi with just ₹500 in hand, seeking a way to support her family.

Desperate to survive, the family began sharecropping, but the income was meagre and inconsistent.

A turning point came when Krishna heard about a training program on value-added agriculture through a television broadcast.

Eager to improve her situation, she enrolled in a course at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, where she mastered making pickles and marmalades.

With this newfound knowledge, she began making pickles using leftover produce from her fields.

Starting small, Krishna set up a modest roadside stall, offering free water alongside pickle samples to attract potential customers.

Her persistence and ingenuity paid off as word spread about her delicious, homemade pickles. The growing demand encouraged her to officially launch her own brand, Shri Krishna Pickles.

Over time, Krishna expanded her product line to include over 250 varieties, ranging from traditional mango pickles to innovative herbal juices and chutneys.

Today, Krishna Yadav runs a thriving business from a five-storey facility in Delhi, producing 10 to 20 quintals of pickles daily. Her company now boasts an impressive annual turnover of ₹5 crore.

Along the way, Krishna has earned several prestigious awards, recognizing her extraordinary determination and entrepreneurial spirit. Some of them include the N G Ranga Farmer Award for Diversified Agriculture in 2014.

Reflecting on her incredible journey, Krishna emphasizes the importance of resilience, adaptability, and hard work. She urges others not to be discouraged by setbacks, viewing them as stepping stones to success.

Her story is a powerful reminder that with unwavering determination and creativity, even the most difficult circumstances can be transformed into extraordinary triumphs.

Image Credit: Shrikrishnapickles Website Screenshot

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