Overqualified Housewives empowers mothers to reclaim careers | Fusion - WeRIndia

Overqualified Housewives empowers mothers to reclaim careers

Overqualified Housewives empowers mothers to reclaim careers

Sankara Karpagam, a 30-year-old mother, faced a dilemma after giving birth in 2021. Despite her qualifications, she became a homemaker, feeling overqualified and financially dependent on her husband.

This led to an identity crisis and the search for a balance between motherhood and a career.

Unable to find job structures that catered to her needs, Sankara drew inspiration from other struggling mothers on social media. She realized many mothers faced similar challenges.

This motivated her to create Overqualified Housewives, a start-up in Chennai. It was launched in August 2022.

The platform connects mothers with flexible job opportunities, bridging the gap between employers and women seeking professional growth.

Sankara’s journey began in a village in Thoothukudi. Despite societal criticism, her parents supported her higher education.

After graduating from MIT Chennai, she joined Infosys in Mysore, quickly rising to a team leader position.

The birth of her son, Veer, in 2021 led her to leave her IT career and explore entrepreneurship.

With her husband’s support, Sankara founded Overqualified Housewives, which now has over 1,000 registered women and 175 companies offering flexible jobs.

The platform focuses on providing freelancing opportunities and does not charge women for registration, sustaining itself through commissions from hiring companies.

Sankara’s entrepreneurial journey faced challenges, including clients seeking cheap labour and unskilled tasks.

One incident involved a client mistreating women, leading to his contract’s cancellation. Despite such hurdles, the start-up has positively impacted many lives.

Many women, who got their jobs with the platform expressed their satisfaction.

Radha Gowrisankar, a mother who lost her son and struggled with depression, found a work-from-home job through Overqualified Housewives, turning her life around.

Karthika from Bangalore, an engineering graduate with a seven-year career gap, became the Chief of Communications at a job with convenient timings, thanks to the platform.

Overqualified Housewives continues to transform lives, empowering mothers to achieve work-life balance and professional fulfilment.

Image Credit: Overqualifiedhousewives Website Screenshot

Image Reference: https://overqualifiedhousewives.com/

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