Glassic – Virtual try on eyewear | Fusion - WeRIndia

Glassic – Virtual try on eyewear

Glassic – Virtual try on

Glassic was founded by Kailash Nichani and Devesh Nichani. The aim of this website is to sell great quality, fashionable eyewear at affordable prices. The founders started the company to change the stereotype that good quality and fashionable eyewear are very expensive.

Glassic offers a unique feature. Here, a user can see how the eyewear looks on by using the virtual try on. Users can also pick which lens is best for their eye power.

The two tools they offer for users is virtual try on and prescription tool. Virtual try on is a state of the art technology which uses augmented reality to try on various eyewear from the comfort of your home. Users need to use their webcam to try on a glass and they can even turn their face to sides as if it’s a mirror. They boast of an extremely accurate system due to the facial tracking feature.

The website offers various types of lenses differing in thickness, quality, and price. If a user is unsure which one to pick, they can try the prescription tool offered by Glassic. The user just needs to choose the power in the prescription table and the site will give recommendations for the best lenses. The tool has 2000 different variants of eye powers to give accurate recommendations.

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