What to do when you lose your train ticket | Fusion - WeRIndia

What to do when you lose your train ticket

What to do when you lose your train ticket

When you are travelling in train, sometimes you might end up in a hurry and forget or lose the ticket.

This can be quite disastrous. However, it is not a disaster if you know what to do.

When you lose the ticket be sure to report this as quickly as possible.

As per IRCTC rules, if the loss of confirmed/RAC ticket is reported before the reservation chart is made.

They can give you a duplicate ticket. Of course it is not free, but a mere ₹50 for sleeper class ticket and ₹100 for other class tickets.

If you end up being late and the reservation chart has been prepared, the duplicate train ticket will cost you about 50% of the reservation fare.

If you don’t lose the train ticket but only get it torn, it can be issued at the cost of 25% of the fare even after reservation chart has been prepared.

If it is before the preparation, then the cost is the same as when you lost the ticket.

If you only have a wait-listed ticket and you damage it, you are not given a duplicate. Refunds are also considered based on how much damage has been done to the ticket.

What to do when you lose your train ticket

What to do when you lose your train ticket

If you booked an RAC ticket and you lost the ticket after reservation chart has been prepared, then it is unfortunate for you as you are not allowed to get a duplicate train ticket.

In case after getting your duplicate ticket you end up finding your original ticket, you can bring it with you before the train departs to get a refund.

You can get a refund for the duplicate ticket and you lose 5% of the total ticket amount, subject to a minimum of ₹20.

Image Reference: IRCTC, India

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