Rest in Pee helps pee while travelling | Fusion - WeRIndia

Rest in Pee helps pee while travelling

Rest in Pee helps pee while travelling

It is difficult to find toilets while travelling when you need them. Normal people may wait for some, but people with health disorders like diabetes and urinary incontinence feel it is difficult to wait for long hours.

In order to help those people, Prakash Prajapati came up with a solution: Rest in Pee.

It is a pocket urinal that can be used in the time of emergencies while travelling or where people do not find toilets for many hours.

Prakash Prajapati is a detective. He used to wait long hours to attend a nature’s call due to his profession.

To avoid health consequences, he started exploring ways for the problem. He could not find a proper portable toilet in the market. Moreover, they are expensive and oddly designed.

He then wanted to design the product on his own. His friend Sushma Patel joined him. Sushma’s father was unwell and was depending on her when going to the bathroom due to which she started developing a backache because of his weight.

Both started working on design and formula and launched their product, Rest in Pee.

Rest in Pee is a UV-sterilised pocket urinal made from paper. This urine bag is leak-proof and odor-free. It comes with a powder to be put into the bag before you pee into it.

This powder converts the urine into a gel. Rest in Pee bag can be used in cars, tents, public toilet, small places, buses etc.

The price is ₹169 for a pack of three kits. Each kit is for single-use which consists of a urine bag, one powder sachet that converts urine into the gel, one wet wipe and one garbage bag.

Their product was launched in June. They started booking 15 days before the launch of the product and sold 6,000 units by the time of launch.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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