Innovative Business Ideas in India | Innovation | Fusion - WeRIndia

Social Cops for better Decision...

Social cops was co-founded by Varun Banka, and Prukalpa Sankar for decision making.

Doll of Tsunami saving lives

Tsunamika dolls are saving the lives of people. At present, there are over 6 million tsunamika dolls in the world. The dolls can be

Plastic to Petrol

The researchers at Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) has developed new technology which can convert plastic into high quality petrol and diesel. This amazing

Breath enabled Talking Device helps the...

TALK is a first-of-kind AAC device in the world as it is the only device that uses breath for interaction.

Sheroes- A Career Destination for...

Sheroes aims to help women in finding job opportunities and resources for their career. Interested people can become a part of the community by