Innovative Business Ideas in India | Innovation | Fusion - WeRIndia

Solar Powered device improves rural...

A solar powered device is helping the rural students have a new interest in their classes.

Indian-origin researcher developing...

Trojan horses are dangerous for people. Due to a lot of outsourcing and several phases of manufacture of devices, anyone can install a Trojan

Old shoes refurbished for poor school...

Professional athletes Shriyans Bhandari and Ramesh Dhami have come up with a unique way to make sure discarded shoes are put to good use.

Website Offers Free Video... website offers free access to audio-visual lectures on basic concepts of accountancy.

Hand-Held Device that Can Diagnose...

Biosense, a Mumbai-based medical technology organization developed a non-invasive anemia screening tool called ToucHB. It is useful in diagnosing Anemia