Innovative Business Ideas in India | Innovation | Fusion - WeRIndia

An example of Creativity beating...

Madeshwaran, a street side corn roaster knows the struggles of continuously fanning the coal while roasting corn. This led to a new creative solution

Radiant School – An Unofficial...

Radiant school was started in Gurgaon for kids from economically weaker sections. These children do not have proper access to basic needs like food

Social Cops for better Decision...

Social cops was co-founded by Varun Banka, and Prukalpa Sankar for decision making.

Doll of Tsunami saving lives

Tsunamika dolls are saving the lives of people. At present, there are over 6 million tsunamika dolls in the world. The dolls can be

Plastic to Petrol

The researchers at Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) has developed new technology which can convert plastic into high quality petrol and diesel. This amazing