GPower saves girls from sex trafficking - Fusion - WeRIndia

GPower saves girls from sex trafficking and child labour

GPower saves girls from sex trafficking and child labour

Every year there are millions of girls in India who become the victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, trafficking, and child labor. Girls in West Bengal are especially at a high risk for trafficking and other abuse.

Thanks to a mobile based intervention called GPower in 20 villages of the state, girls who are in need of help are being identified and are being provided with support based on their level of vulnerability.

CINI (Child in Need Institute) based in Kolkata has stated that 47 percent of Indian girls are being married before they reach the age of 18. Furthermore, 22 percent girls are giving birth to children before the reach the age of 18. Another shocking fact revealed by CINI is that every three seconds a child in West Bengal is going missing. It’s horrifying to know that most of these children are ending up in sex-trafficking.

Higher risk is faced by girls in rural areas of the country. One of the main reasons for that is because of lack of education which makes them very vulnerable. GPower, the mobile based program by CINI is helping in these cases.

CINI, which was established in 1974, is for the development and improvement of poor people. They specially focus on women and children safety. In 2014, they launched GPower to help young girls who are at a risk of facing violence, abuse, trafficking, child labour and other dangers.

GPower is a tool which collects data and analyzes it. It finds adolescent girls in rural areas in real time. The technology has been developed in association with Accenture. Community Facilitators (CFS) go door to door to collect data by asking questions. They cover all needed aspects of a girl. After analysis proper action is taken.

Image Reference: TheBetterIndia

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