Affordable solar devices by a farmer | Fusion - WeRIndia

Affordable solar devices by a farmer

Affordable solar devices by a farmer

Meet a young rural innovator who is helping with some of Indian farmers’ biggest agriculture woes with his low price and effective innovations. High Clearance solar sprayer, solar Operated flour mill cum Mixer and many other products were made by this grassroot innovator.

At the age of eight, when other children used to play, Sangappa was serving to his farmer father on the field to feed his family.

No matter what issues came his way, the young boy sacrificed sleep on many nights and challenged all the troubles. At present, there are 3,600 farmers showing an interest in buying his solar sprayer. With his products, he has become one amongst the best young agricultural scientists and innovators in India.

High clearance solar sprayer machine is employed to spray the pesticide on crops. The other sprayers in the market currently lack the potential of the solar sprayer. Usually, machines available within the market are short in height which can harm the crop. However, this machine can be adjusted up to 2 feet to prevent damage to the crop.

The sprayer is simple to use and light weight. The components of the machine can be dismantled and simply transported. The wheels have long life tubeless tyres that shield them from puncture. An electrical device, DC battery, DC motor and frames are some of its other features. One person can simply operate the machine and easily dismantle it.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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