Grand celebration: A single ceremony for 17 grandchildren in Bikaner | Fusion - WeRIndia

Grand celebration: A single ceremony for 17 grandchildren in Bikaner

Grand celebration: A single ceremony for 17 grandchildren in Bikaner

In a remarkable display of familial unity and tradition, an elderly man in Bikaner, Rajasthan, recently orchestrated the marriage of his 17 grandchildren for just two days.

This unique event not only showcased the deep-rooted cultural values of the region but also offered a practical solution to the economic challenges of hosting multiple weddings.

Surjaram Godara, the patriarch and village head of Lalmadesar in the Nokha Mandal, opted for a mass wedding to prevent the high costs typically associated with individual ceremonies.

With 12 granddaughters and five grandsons ready for marriage, the decision was both economical and celebratory.

The festivities commenced with the marriages of the five grandsons, followed by the weddings of the 12 granddaughters the next day.

This strategic arrangement highlighted the family’s commitment to unity, as all ceremonies were condensed into a two-day extravaganza.

Interestingly, a single wedding invitation was printed for the event, symbolizing the collective celebration. This move not only cut down on expenses but also emphasized the togetherness of the family.

The large-scale wedding attracted attention from locals and became a significant talking point within the community. Many admired the family’s approach to handling such a grand affair efficiently and economically.

This mass wedding is the first of its kind in the area, setting a precedent for others who might find themselves in similar situations. The Godara family’s approach demonstrates a blend of tradition and modernity, where cultural practices meet practical necessities.

As the news of this unique celebration spreads, it serves as a reminder of the possibilities that come with thinking creatively about traditional practices.

The Godara family has not only celebrated a significant milestone in their lives but also provided a blueprint for communal and cost-effective wedding celebrations.

This event will likely inspire similar approaches in other communities, making it a landmark occasion in Bikaner’s social calendar.

Image by Saumya ( Needpix (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

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