New spyware threat on iPhones mimics Pegasus attack | Fusion - WeRIndia

New spyware threat on iPhones mimics Pegasus attack

New spyware threat on iPhones mimics Pegasus attack

Apple has issued an urgent spyware alert to iPhone users across India and 91 other countries, warning of a security threat potentially as perilous as the infamous Pegasus by NSO Group.

The notification, sent at 12:30 AM IST on April 11, follows Apple’s practice of informing users about significant security breaches detected in their devices.

The company’s latest warning indicates that the spyware attack is part of a concerted effort targeting specific individuals due to their identity or profession.

The notification stated that a spyware attack was being tried to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with the Apple IDs of users.

This reflects the high cost, sophistication, and global nature of these digital threats, which Apple notes are rare yet highly advanced compared to typical cybercrimes or consumer malware.

Apple has chosen not to disclose the origin of these attacks or attribute them to any specific attackers or regions. It underscores the complexity and sensitivity of the issue.

The attacks are described as “mercenary” due to their targeted nature, aimed at individuals with significant reasons for being infiltrated. In response to these threats, Apple advises affected users to take immediate protective measures.

Users are urged to enable lockdown mode on their iPhones, update their devices to the latest iOS version 17.4.1, and ensure all connected Apple devices are also updated.

Additionally, the company recommends vigilance regarding messages and links from unknown sources to prevent further damage or data loss.

This alert was precipitated by a communication from the Indian government body CERT-In, which had contacted Apple on April 10.

CERT-In’s inquiry sought clarity on any new vulnerabilities identified and the measures Apple had implemented to address them.

Apple’s proactive notifications to users in over 150 countries to date highlight the ongoing challenges and importance of digital security in an increasingly connected world.

Users are encouraged to follow the advised precautions to safeguard their personal information against these sophisticated and covert threats.

Image Credit: Eric Jiang, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Image Reference:,_5,_and_6.jpg

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