Google Displays India's Map wrong | Fusion - WeRIndia

Google Displays India’s Map wrong

Inda Map

The internet giant Google which is used by millions of Indians has made an error. The Survey of India has found that Google is displaying an incorrect map of India on its various websites. The government announced this on Friday. The minister of state in the Information and Broadcasting Ministry Rajyavardhan Rathore stated that the Survey of India looked into this matter after receiving several complaints regarding the display of incorrect map of India on various websites of the Internet giant.

Survey of India has found that Google is displaying an incorrect map of India on its websites (India), (China), (Pakistan), and (General). Rathore has further stated that under section 69-A of Information Technology Act, 2000 it is an offence to display incorrect map of India. The minister has further added that a Nodal officer has been appointed by the Survey of India to deal with such complaints. It is truly a surprise that a company as big as Google will make such a silly mistake.

Foto di rajesh tinkhede da Pixabay (Free for Commercial Use)

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