Natural and Herbal Remedies for Diabetes - Fusion

Natural and Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Natural and Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Diabetes is very common in recent days.

If the diabetic patients do not keep it in control, various other diseases like high blood pressure, eye diseases, heart diseases etc.

There are many remedies to keep it in control which are suggested in Ayurveda.

These are natural and herbal remedies.

1. Drink the decoction made with lightly roasted and powdered blackberry seeds regularly.

2. Consume the powder made with dried tender mangoes twice every day.

3. Take fresh juice made with bitter gourds.

4. Consume the juice made with tamarind leaves when mixed in butter milk to controldiabetes.

5. Take the powder made with seeds in banyan fruits to keep diabetes under control.

6. Prepare decoction with hibiscus and consume one ounce twice every day.

7. Mix the powders of pepper, rock salt and blackberry seeds. Add this powder to pulp made from figs. Consume 2 to 3 grams daily.

8. Make powder with fenugreek seeds after slight roasting. Take 5 grams of this powder twice a day while taking food. This controls insulin levels in blood.

9. Drink porridge made with finger millets (Ragi) by mixing it with butter milk.

10. Take Tirphalachurna twice a day to keep blood sugar in control.

Natural and Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Natural and Herbal Remedies for Diabetes


All these remedies help control insulin levels in blood and lower the side effects of diabetes.

But, these are not substitutes to prescriptions drugs.

So it is advised to follow these remedies while consuming prescription drugs to lower the impact of diabetes.

And the patients who are in their early stages of diabetes who have not started the course can see the results by following these remedies even without consuming medicines.

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