Home Remedies for blocked nose | Fusion - WeRIndia

Home Remedies for blocked nose

Home Remedies for blocked nose

Now it is the winter season. Though some see it as a pleasant season, others have respiratory problems and allergies in this season. Some others are prone to SAD- Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of winter depression.

In this season, cough, cold, running or blocked nose and nasal congestion are more common. These are very annoying situations. Taking medicines may ease the situation but the condition recurs throughout the season for some people.

It is not good to constantly take medicines. Some home remedies work effectively to an extent. So, before taking medicines, you can use these to get relief from the nasal congestion and blocked nose.

Many people do not drink as much water during winter as they do in summer. This leads to dehydration which causes many other problems. So, drink enough water to avoid dehydration. You can also consume fruit juices as well.

Consume vitamin C enriched foods to improve your immunity and reduce allergies. Add citrus fruits and herbs like myrrh, sage, calendula etc. to improve your immunity.

Have a hot soup when you have a blocked nose or nasal congestion to get immediate relief. Drink ginger tea mixed with lemon and honey to soothe your throat and get relief from cold and cough. You can drink hot fluids two or three times a day to treat your nasal blockage.

Apple cider vinegar helps treat nasal congestion. It clears mucus in sinuses and nose.

Garlic has antiviral properties. It is very helpful and effective in treating many seasonal disorders you come across with. It also helps with overall body health.

Pepper is another good home remedy for nasal blockage. Boil a glass of water. Add one teaspoon of pepper and honey to the water. Drink this regularly to get relief from blocked nose.

Image by pen_ash from Pixabay (Free for commercail use)

Image Reference: https://pixabay.com/photos/soup-vegetable-soup-vegetables-4487993/

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