Health tips that everyone should follow | Fusion - WeRIndia

Health tips that everyone should follow

Health tips that everyone should follow

Some health habit tips might sound silly or overused, but they can very well show their benefits in the long run.

For example, eating an apple every day truly is good for health, but it must be done consistently, not done for a few days and dropped.

Vice versa, overuse of mobile devices can be harmful, but the effects cannot be noticed after a day or two, only accumulating over time.


Here are some other health facts you may not know and what to do about them:

• When using a smartphone, it is better to listen to the caller on the left ear rather than the right, since the right ear is said to be closer to the brain. Also, do not take calls on low battery (below ten percent of battery), for the radiation from it can be up to one thousand times higher.

• It is advisable not to sit or lie down after taking a tablet, better to walk or engage in some physical activity, if one’s health permits it of course.

• Strawberries are delicious and contain healthy fibers and vitamins, but they also have the capacity to possibly neutralize uric acid, thereby, be careful with the amount eaten and drink a glass of juice about thrice a week.

Drinking glasses of milk daily from a young age can help reduce old age bone problems.

Drinking more water during the day and less at night can be good for digestion.

Eating basil leaves daily can keep certain cancers away, and eating lemons daily can help keep away fat accumulation, but such habits may only work from a very young age.

Eating cherries can slow physical aging, as they are full of antioxidants that fight free radical damage, and they can also have a calming effect on the nerves.

Health tips that everyone should follow

Health tips that everyone should follow

Eating celery daily can lower one’s blood pressure, minimize cancer risk, and also promote healthy gums and teeth.

Cheese contains a substance called tryptophan that can minimize stress and treat insomnia, as well as reducing migraines and strokes.

The best time to sleep, studies say, is between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. However, many of us stay up until midnight and sleep until 8:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m., which can accumulate in harmful effect over time if sleeping time is not adjusted accordingly.

Image by Omi Sido from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Photo by matt_sawyers ( on Needpix (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

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