Avoid these transactions with credit card | Fusion - WeRIndia

Avoid these transactions with credit card

Avoid these transactions with credit card

It is very common now-a-days to use credit card for many transactions. It helps avoid carrying excess money. At the same time, one must know too much dependency on your card is not good. Also, make sure that you are using your credit card for a valid reason at the right time. Otherwise, you will have to bear credit burden on you.

You should not use credit card for certain transactions. Know why you must avoid using your credit card for the following transactions.

Never share your credit card information with anyone. The first and foremost thing while using your credit card online is that the website should be secure. Make sure you verify the authentication of the website. If you do not know the credibility of the website where you are using your credit card do not use your card. Or else, you might have to pay big time.

Except in emergency, do not withdraw cash from ATM machine with your credit card. The money you withdraw using with your credit card attracts high interest rate which is calculated from the very moment of your withdrawal. It does not have a grace period which will be given for other merchant transactions done with credit card. Moreover, you are charged with a transaction fee for withdrawing cash with your credit card.

If you use your credit card abroad, you will have to bear many charges like foreign transaction fee, currency conversion fee etc. So, avoid using credit cards for such transactions. Rather, you can use your international credit card.

Do not use your card when you are almost at your credit limit.

Avoid using your card where you are charged for your transactions that are made with it.

Often you will get discounts if you pay in cash. In such cases, pay in cash to get the benefits.

Image by Ahmad Ardity from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Image Reference: https://pixabay.com/fr/photos/carte-de-cr%C3%A9dit-paiement-de-cr%C3%A9dit-1730085/

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