7 Life Lessons Every Professional Should Know | Fusion - WeRIndia

7 Life Lessons Every Professional Should Know

Life Lessons Every Professional Should Know

That’s how long you can expect to work over the course of your lifetime.

You have a long and winding career path. You will learn a lot about how work can impact life, and vice versa. You will know about what helps you get ahead, and what holds you back, what to do, and what not to do.

You’re not too late to pick up there are many things you should know. If you love certain things spend freely on them Decide on what makes you happy and spend freely on those things. Science has proven that spending money on experiences is better than spending money on things.

Do what makes you happy. The tricky thing is figuring out what will make you happy and how your career fits into the equation.

Here are 7 life lessons every professional should know before it’s too late:

1. Become an Early Riser

You can learn any habit, including the habit of being an early riser. You’ll be more productive and able to work in peace for at least a couple of hours without the demands of the world creeping in.

2. Build a Broad Network of Friends

Networking events and superficial business deals aren’t all that useful. What’s crucial is building up a strong network of authentic friendships and relationships.

It’s no surprise that the best jobs and careers come not through applications and shuffling around resumes, but through trust between humans and word-of-mouth referrals. Instead of networking, aspire to connect to people.

3. Be an Exceptional Communicator

Being intelligent isn’t enough. Your ability to communicate is a massive factor in your career success. The top people in a company are rarely just the smartest—they also know how to present themselves well.

Learn how to communicate—through writing and performing. Find out how to introduce complex ideas and arguments, and invite feedback.

There are countless opportunities to practice and improve your communication skills.

4. Save as Much as Possible Early in Your Career

The reason to save a high percentage of your salary is the freedom it affords later in life.

Save a ton and live a simple life. Saving a lot doesn’t mean you need to be boring—read the next item for more on that.

5. Get Strong

All the hours sitting in your office will take its toll on your body. Exercise is the antidote.

Lifting heavy weights will force you to learn proper. Being active will keep your stress levels down.

Commit to getting strong and being healthy and witness the positive spill over effect at your job.

6. Learn How to Define Limits

There is an infinite amount of work to do. Learn to stop tasks and projects even if they aren’t complete so you can leave the office on time.

Don’t check your email after hours or on weekends. Work hard when you need to and cultivate the discernment to know when to shut off.

Build this habit early in your career, and it can help you get more done in less time, save your relationships, and, honestly, just keep you sane.

7. Use All Your Vacation Days

Taking vacation is important. People who take breaks end up doing better work, and those breaks are given to you.

It also demonstrates confidence—confident people don’t play games to prove how capable they are. And if you use your vacation to gather new experiences, you’ll come back to work with fresh perspectives.

Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Image Reference: https://unsplash.com/photos/LDcC7aCWVlo

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