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Author Bio:Valli Sarvani

  • Name: Valli Sarvani
  • Introduction: I am a freelance writer and academic assignment helper. Health, home making, finance, cooking, environmental issues, software and science are my favorite subjects. I write for many websites. Reading books, watching TV, listening to music and preparing new recipes are my hobbies.

Author Archives: Valli Sarvani

Central Government’s initiative on Labour

Prime Minister is going to take an initiation on long-awaited labour reforms. The 5-point initiative unveils on October 16, 2014 in a daylong conference in New Delhi. Several

Megha Patil – First Female

After Narula Brothers, Megha Patil won Rs. 7 Crore on KBC8. She is the first female who won the highest amount on KBC platform. Megha Patil is a

How to Know Your CIBIL

It is better to know your CIBIL score that reveals the credit history and financial health before applying for a loan. CIBIL is an acronym for Credit Information

International Female Peacekeeper Award for

Indian police inspector Shakti Devi from Jammu and Kashmir won the United Nations International female peacekeeper award 2014. She has been working in the the Jammu and Kashmir

Father-Daughter Ride by Harley-Davidson India

October 11th is declared as the International Day of the Girl Child by the United Nations two years ago. It is meant to increase awareness on girls’ issues