Tribe Concepts: Ayurvedic Skincare Backed by Nature | Fusion - WeRIndia

Tribe Concepts: Ayurvedic Skincare Backed by Nature

Tribe Concepts: Ayurvedic Skincare Backed by Nature

In today’s world, where chemical-based skincare products are readily available, more and more people are turning towards natural remedies. Amritha Gaddam, the founder of the Ayurveda-backed skincare brand Tribe Concepts, had a similar experience.

Amritha from Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh learned the benefits of natural ingredients from her mother.

Her father is an Ayurvedic doctor. Amirtha’s family members use chemical-free and natural products. These include sandalwood, saffron, turmeric, and coconut powder.

However, during her college years, Amritha was drawn towards chemical products and treatments.

As a result, she had to face some health consequences. She was diagnosed with PCOS, due to which she suffered a lot.

Realizing the harmful effects of chemicals on her health, Amritha turned to her family’s Ayurvedic roots and made gradual changes to her lifestyle.

She started consuming a healthy diet, using natural skincare suggested by her father.

Amritha witnessed a difference in her health slowly but gradually. Her friends were also impressed with the results. They also wanted access to natural formulas.

This inspired Amritha to turn her idea into a business, leading to the birth of Tribe Concepts in 2019.

The brand uses natural ingredients like red sandalwood, nutmeg, and ashwagandha to make products that are free of plastic packaging.

Despite the challenges of finding sustainable packaging materials, the brand stayed true to its ethos. It continues to prioritize sustainability.

Tribe Concepts has seen immense success, with an average of 25,000 orders a month. Interestingly all were fulfilled by their predominantly female staff.

Amritha’s father is a pioneer in the brand’s formulations. He believes that the success of Ayurveda in skincare is due to people’s growing awareness of the benefits of natural living.

Tribe Concepts serves as a testament to the power of natural remedies and the potential for sustainable businesses.

Image Credit: The tribe concepts Website Screenshot

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