School dropout helping Ph.D. students - Fusion - WeRIndia

School dropout helping many Ph.D. students

School dropout helping many Ph.D. students

Can you imagine that a class 6 dropout is able to help Ph.D. students complete their studies? But it is true. Knowledge does not lie within degrees. If a person has zeal to learn new things, he can beat formal education with his knowledge.

Here is a class 6 dropout in Chanderi who is helping several Ph.D. students. His life inspires many people who have many opportunities but do not show any interest in growing and developing their lives.

His name is Muzaffar Ansari. But he is affectionately called as Kalle Bhai. Due to his poor family conditions, he could study only till class 5 in a government school in his village. However, his passion towards history and heritage made him a tourist guide. He can speak six languages including Urdu, Brahmi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi and Hindi in addition to English. He can write in them as well.

His village Chanderi is very small in Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh. He is very familiar with his village. He knows every nook and corner there including stone artisans, handicraft artisans etc. Not just that, he has a list of traditional recipes of Chanderi, herbs and medicines in his diary. He has various interesting facts in different scripts as well. He also wrote down the names of cities where he had visited a mosque to offer prayers.

He took up many jobs to support his family. He has a hobby of collecting coins and currency. He listed down the names of all RBI governors in his diary from 1935. He learned to speak in English to serve the international tourists who visit the place. He also learned to use internet and explored new things across the world.

He has extensive knowledge on Chanderi village. He even beats Wikipedia with his knowledge. With his knowledge on history and heritage, he helped several students in their Ph.D.

Being learned that basic qualification is essential, Kalle Bhai finished his class 10 and 12. Now he is pursuing his graduation. He wants to pursue Ph.D. later. He has an honorary offer to do his PhD from the Yale University.

Image Reference: TheBetterIndia

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