Pregnant finishes exam and delivers baby - Fusion - WeRIndia

Pregnant woman finishes her exam before delivering baby

Pregnant woman finishes her exam before delivering baby

Normally, any unbearable pain is compared to the labor pain of pregnant women. But, this pregnant woman has borne the labor pain for the sake of her teacher job exam.

Her name is Swati Dhanyasi. She is from Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. Her father is a centring worker. Her mother helps her father with petty works.

Swati has an elder sister and younger brother. Despite having a meagre income, her father educated his three children in a government school.

Swati has been brilliant in Telugu since her childhood. She wants to become a teacher. She got married with her maternal uncle one year ago.

Yet, understanding her dream of becoming a teacher, her father joined her in Telugu Pandit Training (TPT) for which he paid ₹50,000, an amount that is huge for him.

Noting her father’s efforts, Swati decided to study well and acquire a teacher job. She had appeared for TET to be eligible for DSC exam to become a government teacher.

Swati was pregnant when the government gave the notification of the DSC exam. Yet, she applied for it and prepared well for the exam.

Her doctors gave the delivery date as January 13, 2019. Her exam was on January 2, 2019.

She thought that her exam would be finished by her delivery time.

But unfortunately, her labor pains started on her way to exam centre. She controlled it a lot. Her fellow job applicants discouraged her to write the exam and suggested that she should visit a hospital immediately.

Even the invigilators warned her not to take the risk. But, she didn’t want to lose the opportunity and had borne all the pains.

She went through her exam in tears due to pain. She attempted the exam paper keen for the first two hours and finished 80 percent of her exam successfully.

However, she could not manage it anymore in the last half an hour. As soon as she finished her exam, she lost her consciousness.

She was taken to a hospital where she delivered a male baby. The baby is safe. Now, Swati is very happy and all are applauding her dedication and relentless efforts to get a government job.

Image Reference: Eenadu

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