Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

Once a drunkard, now making his village...

Ajjappa Shivalingappa Pyati of Ghodageri village was once a heavy drinker and alcohol addict. Drinking often and sleeping outside on the road or falling

Meet this unique ex-army man and his...

Nihar Halder is an ex-army man who served the Indian army for nine years in the EME Corp. He worked as a vehicle mechanic.

The sanitary hygiene...

Even in today’s India, menstruation is still a taboo topic. Many people would rather stay silent than addressing the issue. However, girls in UP

13 year old boy uses human hair to...

Since his childhood, he was a curios mind. When he found out about the devastation that oil spills cause to water, he wanted to

Elvis helped HIV+ children to...

Elvis Joseph runs an organization called Bangalore Schools Sports Foundation (BSSF). He was a former athlete. His organization works with schools. They organize Bangalore