Real Life Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

TS teacher creates ways for students to...

Battu Srinivas Raj is a teacher at TS Model School and Jr College in Ambam, Rudrur.

Jharkhand engineer makes sarees using...

Swachhata Pukare has employed approximately 200 women o collect the water hyacinths.

11-year-old child prodigy passes SSC...

Since a young age, Lakshmi has shown an eagerness to learn Mathematics and solve puzzles.

60-year-old earns lakhs from crochet...

Kanchan Bhadani, a 60-year-old housewife from Jharkhand,turned her love for knitting toys into a successful business.

Rural Youth Secures Railway Jobs...

Despite facing financial constraints, Tirupathi utilized the resources at his disposal, including YouTube.