'Warriors Without a Cause' helps street vendors to beat the heat | Fusion - WeRIndia

‘Warriors Without a Cause’ helps street vendors to beat the heat

'Warriors Without a Cause' helps street vendors to beat the heat

You might have seen countless street vendors, rickshaw pullers, and labourers across who are working tirelessly under the scorching sun with no escape from the heat.

However, hope arrives in the form of ‘Warriors Without a Cause,’ a remarkable NGO founded by four young friends from Delhi. They are Anusha Attree, Bhavini Singh, Khushi Singh, and Vanshikha Mehta.

These college students were moved by the struggles they witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

They provided masks and sanitisers in slum areas with their own money. At that time, they witnessed the urgent needs of underprivileged people firsthand. To help them, they registered an NGO dedicated to social welfare.

At present, they operate in six cities, including Delhi NCR and have taken many initiatives in healthcare, education, sanitation etc.

They not only teach children in slum areas but also conduct, conduct free medical boot camps. Besides, they organize sanitary pad distribution drives and also help the unemployed with employment opportunities. So far, they have helped at least four lakh people.

Last year, they kicked off the ‘Beat the Heat’ initiative to aid street vendors and cart owners battling the intense summer temperatures. They handed out umbrellas, caps, beverages, and water to those toiling in the relentless heat.

This campaign has already assisted over 50,000 individuals, delivering essential relief to those severely affected by the high temperatures. This year alone, they have distributed 5,000 umbrellas.

Despite these efforts, the demand remains significant due to the extreme heatwaves currently sweeping across India.

You can join this cause to improve the lives of street vendors enduring this record-breaking heat.

By donating just ₹350, you can provide an umbrella to shield someone from the searing sun.

Image Credit: AmanAgrahari01, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Image Reference: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Indian_folk_Cuisine_Images_(101).jpg

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